
Monday, June 30, 2008

Stephanie Kuehnert week on Shooting Stars Mag, plus a contest!

Alright so this whole week over at Shooting Stars Magazine is Stephanie Kuehnert week. In honor of her first release, I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone that's being released on July 8th. of next week! Aren't you excited? I know I am! I've been wanting to read this ever since I first saw the cover back in like December I believe. Anyway I'm getting off track here. Shooting Stars Magazine already has four posts up to kick off Stephanie's week. Including an author guest blog with Melissa Walker (author of the Violet series) so be sure to check that out!

Now for the big news. A huge contest is also being held. The prize being around 10 gift cards of $10 each to some of your favorite places. The people donating these gift cards are us book reviewers, myself included. Here's a list of what's put together so far:

And Another Book Read: Tasha (Barnes N Noble)

Shooting Stars Mag: Lauren

Reading Mania (ElainaReads): Elaina

The Compulsive Reader

Bookluverreviews: Chelsie

The Story Siren: Kristi

B is for Books: Breanna (me!)

Teen Troves: Mollie and Ariel

Lauren (from Shooting Stars Magazine) might be adding one or two more reviewers to this list later on this week. So keep an eye out for what you could win in this contest! All you have to do to enter is buy Stephanie's book. Amazon is already shipping copies out, isn't that crazy? So go and order one now! Once you have your book take a picture of you with the book or of your receipt and be sure to send it in to Lauren at The contest is open until July 30th. so you have plenty of time to get your copy. The winner will be announced sometime during the first week of August! So go pre-order your copy now to enter! Also be sure to check out Stephanie Kuehnert on her website at or on her Myspace at


  1. Whoo!!! thanks for posting and yes everyone, come party with us and buy the book for your chance at a SWEET prize!


  2. I joined too, so now the prize is up to $100!
