So I haven't done an "in my mailbox" for a few weeks now because I've been slacking. Yes, I know, shame on me. IMM was started by Alea of Pop Culture Junkie :)
Anyway, about 3 or so weeks ago I was at the mall with one of my close friends and we stumbled upon a Borders so I just HAD to go in. I quickly sought out the YA section and once there proceeded to drool. Well almost drool. I feel like I'm in a candy store when I'm surrounded by YA books! We spent a little over an hour there and by that time I had a whole armful of books. Since I had already spent a lot of money that day my friend helped me go through them and I ended up weeding out like three. Which saved me about 30 bucks so that's a good thing. But I still ended up getting a whopping 8 books. Crazy, no? Haha I thought so.
So these are the titles I ended up getting:
- Cracked Up To Be by Courtney Summers
- Crash Into Me by Albert Borris
- Doing It by Henry Holt
- Eyes Like Stars by Lisa Mantchev
- Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles
- Skinny by Ibi Kaslik
- The Boy Book by E. Lockhart
- Zombie Blondes by Brian James
Woo! That's a lot of books. I spent around 80 something dollars. Thankfully I had a 10 dollar giftcard so that helped a teeny tiny bit.
All of these books sounded so good. I just couldn't resist them! Some I've wanted for a while like Zombie Blondes, Skinny, and Crash Into Me. Others were just too nummy sounding to pass up. I've already read The Boy Book and loved it! I had never heard of Doing It before but when I read the back of the book it said that the tv show Life As We Know It was based on this book and I looooved that show when it was on for the very short time that it was so I figured the book would be even better! So there you have it. My IMM from like 3 weeks ago. Hehe :)
Those books look great. I've wanted to read Zombie Blondes for a while too, but haven't got around to it yet (:
Great books you got. Skinny is quite an interesting book. Hope you enjoy reading them all.
You got great books. Happy Reading! Here is a link to my books I got last week.
Crash Into Me and Eyes Like Stars everyone has said are really good. The Boy Book is good. I think people could make their own language with that book.
I love going in a book store. I can spend hours.
Those books are supposed to be really good. :)I usually spend that much on books, more actually. Perfect Chemistry is really good. I have that book. It's an amazing read. x.
Hope you enjoy reading them all.
Work from home India
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